Monday, December 23, 2019

Terrorism A Global Rebirth Of Attacks - 1405 Words

Terrorism has occurred throughout history, but today the world is experiencing a global rebirth of attacks. Today, it no longer affects only small societies, such as isolated third world countries who fell victim to regular terrorist attacks; but the whole world is becoming more familiar with terrorist groups, like ISIS, and more. Terrorism can be defined as â€Å"the deliberate creation of fear to bring out political change.† (Nancy Ing and Page 3). All terrorist acts involve violence or the threat of violence, and these violent threats or acts are usually committed by non governmental groups, governmental groups, individuals who are serving or have served in the military, law enforcement agencies, intelligence agencies, or governmental agencies of an established nation. Terrorists attempt not only to create panic, but to weaken the confidence in the government, political leadership, and people of the targeted country. The terrorism that is on the rise today has informed ci tizens all over the world about different types of terrorism. Also, with the resurgence the world is experiencing of terrorism, the nation s have been taking extreme measures as a result of the attacks, so that they can eliminate terrorism. The Paris attacks signal a new and far more challenging phase of the era that began on September 11, 2001. As awful as that day was, Al-Qaeda was centrally directed and could be centrally disrupted. Unfortunately, this has not been the case with the terrorist group knownShow MoreRelatedThe External Environment : Isis Essay1483 Words   |  6 PagesExogenous environment: ISIS remains as major threat that shakes stability of entire region, and furthermore, carry out numerous terror attacks in several European countries. In addition, mass shootings and numerous terror attacks on U.S soul have occurred. 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